The End of Tomorrow

Some say humanity’s greatest achievements occurred in the decades just before the end of their civilization. In those final years, advances in technology altered the world, and the people lived in a time of technological opulence.

Genetically altered crops could feed the world three times over, the sun was harnessed to provide limitless energy, cybernetic enhancements improved the human body, robots replaced the labor force, and engineering improvements allowed domed cities to be built under the sea and in other inhospitable climates to end population pressures. Humanity was on the brink of settling on the moon.

The world was at peace. Without competition for resources, there was no reason for nations to fight. In this new age, the rich got richer, and the poor got rich. Everyone and everything were moving forward and getting better. Then, suddenly, civilization crumbled. One small systemic failure led to another, and in the cascade of collapse, it became the end of days. Plague, Famine, Death and War! Afterward, a blanket of ash covered the earth, and the peaceful silence was broken only by the infrequent sobs of the few who had lived through the end of tomorrow.

The great cities are jagged towers of steel and stone reaching up to the grey sky. Screeching winds, acid rains, and radioactive storms batter the once majestic buildings. The sprawling suburbs are wastelands of bramble lawns and rotting dreams. Desperate survivors struggle to make a life in this harsh new world, fighting against degenerate humans with mutant powers, endless hordes of reanimated corpses, wild beasts evolved to apex predators, and silica-sentient robots determined to exterminate humanity.

Humanity Changed

The world has changed, evolved and mutated beyond the worst nightmare of those humans living before the collapse of civilization. Many fear that the survival of the human species is at risk and in an effort to stay competitive in the circle of life and death, humans seek every advantage. Hard work and training can only take a person so far, and many believe that cybernetic augmentation or seeking purposeful mutations can give people the edge they need to survive.

Normal Humans

Humans are still the dominant species on earth. Surviving post-apocalyptic horrors takes wits and skill, but good old human ingenuity is always there to make a difference.

No matter how big themonster is, humans can always figure out a way to defend against it.


Cyber humans, called cybers, have been enhanced by the insertion of cybernetic implants into their bodies. Cybernetic implants can provide cybernetic abilities and cybernetic powers. As long as a person has at least one implant in their body, they are a cyber-human and gain the classification machine.

A cybernetic matrix contains vocal upgrades that allow ballads and casting powers. Other cybernetic upgrades will allow people to learn abilities. Common cyber-ability implants grant increased strength, heightened senses, or the ability to bound far distances. Other ability implants allow the body to regenerate from death, injury, and wounds. There are even implants that allow the skin to bend light rays, providing invisibility.

A medical doctor, surgeon, or scientist with the meta-morph (cyber) knowledge may implant cybernetic circuitry into willing persons through an operation. Every cybernetic implant is an individual item that must be installed with the skill surgery and the facilities to operate. The person may then learn to use the implant by spending status and the time practicing between gatherings in an area of relative safety.

Cybernetics can be removed from an individual by cutting them out. The person must be willing or unable to resist. It is a very painful procedure, unless done under anesthesia. Cybernetic parts that are removed must be reinstalled by a cybercist with a replacement available. The implant is useable immediately after they are reinstalled as the person has already spent time learning how to use the implant.

Installing cybernetics is a hit or miss prospect. Some cybercists do maintain sanitary facilities and use new (or at least newish cybernetic parts), but many cybercists work out of unsanitary operating rooms, installing second rate, stolen and highly modified cybernetic parts. Many are self-trained from old world medical texts.

In this broken world, everyone wants an advantage. A lot of people feel cybernetics are safer than mutations, which means cybernetics are pretty expensive. The demand creates a black market in stolen cybernetic parts. People with cybernetic enhancements must always be wary that someone will kill them for their cybernetics.

Cybernetics are visible to an observer. Implantation scars and visible cybernetic parts. The cybernetic matrix is visible on the temple close to the ears or on the side of the neck below the ear. Other enhancement groups should be appropriately modeled.

Mutant Humans

Mutants are humans that have entered areas of apoc energy or been caught in mutagenic storms without protection. Apoc energy areas and storms contain powerful energy flows that can alter the basic genetic structure of a person and cause substantial changes to his or her physical form. Combinations of radiation energy with other forms of energy are particularly effective at producing mutations and people looking to gain mutant abilities and mutant powers do search out these flows in order to purposefully effect changes to their bodies.

Many mutations have helped humanity to survive. Common mutant abilities like invulnerabilities to radiation or other toxins really increase the likelihood of survival. Increased strength, thicker hide-like skin, and greater sensitivity to danger gives mutants great combat advantage. Many mutants also adapt their bodies to the terrain around them, gaining increased movement abilities.

In addition to abilities mutants can gain genetic changes that allow them to sing ballads and cast mutant powers.

Because so many persons end up being mutated in minor ways, there is not a lot of prejudice against mutant humans. It’s hard not to embrace mutations when they make life in this broken world easier, but there is a point when a person becomes so mutated that they are no longer human, and it’s at this point when discrimination begins. Living in, or too near, an area of apoc energy is dangerous. Energies not only influence the body, but the mind as well, and people overly exposed to these energies begin to lose their humanity. One step at a time, they slowly slip away. Their mutations become perverse, horrible physical deformities such as claws and tentacles and are accompanied by madness, pain, and limitless propensity to violence.

When a person loses their humanity, they are called a DeGen, which is of course short for “degenerated human.” This is an apt term because though they still have a humanish form, they have completely rejected everything that makes a person a person.

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