Lifestyles in the Apocolypse

Every lifestyle has its own goals, and when everyone gathers at a Survivor Camp, the lifestyles create plenty of interaction. There are 15 different lifestyles to choose from.

After the Black Freeze, when people crawled out from their holes, they grouped together and developed common goals. With similar ideas, they thought alike and dressed alike. In time they began to identify themselves by how they lived in the world. And thus, the lifestyles were born.

When a group of survivors come together and live a certain way, they are following a lifestyle. People with the same lifestyle have similar ideas. They dress alike and have the same perspectives on the world. Living a lifestyle allows a person to connect with like-minded individuals and to find protection against other lifestyles who would do them harm.

All of the lifestyles have a collective noun for their type of group. For example, cannibals call their group a kitchen, whereas militants live in enclaves, marauders travel in convoys, traders travel in caravans, zealots form congregations, and hippies live in their commune.

Lifestyles do make the world interesting!


During the Black Freeze when the world was buried with ice and snow, many starving people turned to cannibalism to survive. Consuming a meal of human flesh every now and then does not make a person a cannibal. Food is scarce and people survive however they can. A person follows when they enjoy eating human flesh at every meal.

Cannibalism became a culture after the world thawed. Some cannibals are aggressive and wantonly murder others for food; other cannibals will only eat humans who die from other reasons. Some have elaborate cultures built around sacred rites that only allow them to eat leaders and heroes.

Most survivors accept cannibals as long as the cannibal is not trying to eat them. It’s a hard world and most people will do whatever it takes to live. In the early days, cannibals were often better nourished than those who refused to break taboos. Cannibals then, as now, were powerful and dangerous.

For the most part, they are feared and begrudgingly respected. 

A group of cannibals is called a “kitchen.” They are recognized by their bloody clothes and the human bones and body parts they use to decorate their persons. When cannibals attend a gathering, they will set up a pavilion where they prepare food for sale. Cannibal kitchen tents are always bloody affairs with body parts hanging all around curing in the air.


The traditional hallmarks of the carnival have returned to the broken world. Once again the big tents rise. The sound of a calliope can be heard. The bright lights of the midway bring wonder to the eyes of children, and the smell of roasting nuts, popping corn, and cotton candy remind us all that not everything has been lost.

Traveling carnivals have become very popular since the collapse of civilization. The carnie travels in a caravan of brightly painted circus vehicles. They stop on the edges of a community and everyone comes to watch the entertainment. Tight rope walkers, jugglers, contortionists, magicians, dancers, singers, oddities, and so much more can be found at the carnival.

It is common for a family of carnies to work a concession together. Usually, when a child comes of age, they will look to procure their own concession. There are hundreds of carne slang words, two common words are: The “midway” where the rides, attractions, and concessions are located. The “lot” is the carnival midway area devoted to rides.

Carnies are always welcome at a survivor camp for the sheer entertainment their shows. A group of carnies will set up their colored pavilions and carnival sign advertising the show times. A “barker” will announce the show. Free shows are offered to entice the crowd, but there are special paid shows as well which are usually inside the tents or pavilions.


Domers are those who have spent most of their lives living in a dome or another type shelter, but are now out in the wastes trying to survive. Domers leave their domes or shelters for many reasons. Some have purposely escaped from oppressive administrators, others may have been banished for one reason or the other. Often the failing systems within the dome or shelter make life there impossible. Some domers are just visiting the outside and intend to return back to their dome.

Regardless of the reasons why the domer is out and about, almost every domer remembers the good times and the enjoyable aspects of dome life and try to reproduce their favorite aspects of dome living while on the outside. Even after they’ve lived outside the dome, most domers think they are better than the average person. Domers like to keep their clothing nice and clean. They dress in pre-war casual clothing, mostly slacks and polo shirts.

Domer will generally group together as a way to support each other. Domers are often viewed with suspicion by most other lifestyles. It’s hard to understand why someone would give up the idyllic dome life to live outside in the waste. Many people don’t realize how much the technology of the domes has degenerated, and they have no idea that many domes have become corrupt dictatorships ruled by administrators who manage every part of a domer’s life.


The hippie lifestyle has a direct connection to the old world. These are people who live for peace and free love. All members of the hippie movement, as it is called, wear tie-dye clothing and adorn themselves with the peace symbols. They preach peace and the expansion of intellectual understanding.

Hippies oppose political and social violence, promoting instead a gentle ideology that focuses on peace, love, and personal freedom. The unofficial motto of hippie living is “if it feels good, do it.” Most hippies believe that life is about being happy. The hippie lifestyle is deeply connected to music, song, and dance, and many hippies are very artistic.

Hippie names are very important to the lifestyle and earth names like Starr, Skye, Raine, Misty, Stormy, Jade, and River are common hippie names. Hippies also have many of their own words like, “righteous,” “groovy,” “far out,” “trippin,” and “bummer.” And their own slogans, such as “peace and love, dude” or “Can you dig it?”

Hippies are social people by their very nature. They always congregate and travel together, often in vehicles painted with flowers and peace symbols. Their group is called a hippie commune. Hippies who organize the gathering seek to bring people together.


Homesteaders are farmers and/or herders. They have homes and barns that are shielded from radiation and toxic storms. They are trying to make a life for themselves and their families. Every homesteader has a gun and is willing to defend the home they have built. They prefer six-shooting revolvers.

When homesteaders group together, they call their place a ranch or plantation. Homesteaders are one of the few groups that do not survive by scavenging. They produce their goods for sale and trade, thus must work doubly hard to protect themselves and their community. Some homesteaders run small family-worked operations while others manage a vast estate where labor is supplied by hired hands, indentured servants, or even slaves.

Homesteaders like contests. Pie and watermelon eating contests are two very common competitions where competitors compete to eat a slice of pie or watermelon with no hands in the quickest time. Homesteaders are also fond of “plinking” which is a shooting contest where competitors knock down small targets usually cans or bottles set on a fence rail or sawhorse. Other homesteader competitions include sack races, frog races, egg tosses, the wrestling of greased pigs, biggest vegetable, frying pan distance toss, throwing horse shoes, and everyone’s post apocalyptic favorite cockroach racing. The more aristocratic homesteaders often gather for lavish dances.

When they come to a survivor camp they often will set up a stand selling fresh produce usually apples, oranges, and bananas. There’s almost always a guitar playing or a card game. When homesteaders host a gathering there is always good country cooking and square dancing.


Iconoclads surround themselves with icons of the old world. They embrace images and activities that existed before the collapse of civilization. Using shovels, they shift through the ashes trying to preserve as much of pop culture as possible.

Iconclads collect things like coke bottles, figures from McDonald’s happy meals, character lunch boxes, Barbie dolls, autographs of pop stars, posters of movies, trophies, and so forth.

Iconclads like to “eat old world.” Whenever an iconoclad finds food from the before the collapse, its eating is a big production. Hersey’s chocolate bars, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Fruit Loop cereals and old world soda drinks are sought after commodities, but the most amazing find is the Twinkie.

Iconclads feel that they have a strong connected to Hollywood and reenact scenes from movies and television series. They focus on the years 1975 to 2005 as during this time period many of the great classics were created. Movies like Star Wars, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, The Last Unicorn, or Dangerous Liaisons and television shows like Cheers, Simpson, South Park, Miami Vice, or Battlestar Galactica were made over and over again, but the originals remained definitive.

Iconoclads often specialize in areas of emulation. For example, there are iconoclads who specialize in cartoon characters and wear old world clothing with the cartoon images on them. Other iconoclads, specialize in the study of old world bands recreating their music, while others find corporate trademarks to preserve.

Iconoclads like to show off their collections. Whenever iconoclads attend a gathering, they will set up a “museum.” The museum is a tent that contains icon items from before the apocalypse. Sometimes the iconoclads will charge a fee to view the items, but most often iconoclads want to share the old world with their fellow survivors.


Marauders are heavily armed travelers who travel in armored vehicles. The vehicles have been shielded to protect against storms and are used as homes and defensive positions. Most vehicles are run by electric motors powered by Solnet arrays, but some run on alcohol or even old-world gasoline.

Marauder vehicles are operated by teams of individuals that always have a good mixture of skills. There’s the military types to defend the vehicle, mechanics to fix the vehicle, usually a medical person, and of course the leader. Everyone works together to keep the vehicle moving. Each vehicle is generally a separate, self-supported entity, and all the individual vehicles join together to create a convoy.

Some groups of marauders number in the hundreds and contain dozens of vehicles. Eighteen wheel box trailer trucks are used as bunk-houses. Convoys usually include at least a few earth moving vehicles such as back-hoes and dozers that are used to clear blocked roads.

Marauders manufacture alcohol and gasoline on the move in massive tanker trucks. Many marauders’ convoys have expert mechanics who can trade their services for food and fuel. At a gathering of survivors, most marauders will set up a mechanics bay to sell repair services.


Militants are the professional soldiers of the apocalyptic world. They are highly trained with a clear command structure. Many militants live under the influence of a warlord, but others live under a military commander with a sense of justice and right who uses his soldiers to keep the peace.

Militants are recognized by the patches on their military uniforms or other martial clothing. Some militants wear armbands or jackets with their symbols emblazoned on them. They never wear the American Flag or other insignia from old nations or pre-apocalypse military groups.

Militants live in enclaves. These are fortified areas ruled by the military commander. When militants leave the enclave, they’re always part of a military force. There’s generally a chain of command and individuals who have specific responsibilities based on their occupation. All militants are always well-armed. Their communities are almost always walled or at least heavily defended.

Militants can easily turn from a defensive posture to conquest. Militants will usually choose to follow a strong leader who can easily become a petty dictator. It’s also common for militants to support slavery Militants do have excellent parties. Soldiers are so serious and disciplined that when they let go . . . they really let go. They are a lot of fun at survivor camps.


Patriots believe in the nationalistic dreams of the old world. American patriots seek to restore the United States as the regional government of North America. They are well-organized and well-armed. Their political group is called a “congress” and every able-bodied patriot is part of the local patriot militia, which defends the community. American patriots see themselves as heroes who want to restore the best aspects of the democratic form of government that existed before the Apocalypse.

American patriots are marked by their clothing that proudly displays the American Flag. Many patriots see themselves as soldiers fighting for the great cause of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Militia members will often wear military uniforms that proudly display the American flag. American patriots travel as groups trying to resurrect the beliefs of the United States.

When American patriots attend a gathering of survivors, they will set up their area with American flags marking the perimeter. They will play patriotic music and provide protection for everyone. Patriot gatherings are like old Fourth of July celebrations. There’s lots of flag waving. Good food, American beer, and a barbecue are staples of patriot camp life.

Other pre-apocalypse nations have created their own patriot lifestyles which often conflict with each other carrying on old world prejudices. Even though the Soviet Union collapsed a hundred years before the Apocalypse, there are those who emulate its communist teachings and wear its hammer and sickle symbols.


A prostitute always reserves the right deny services to anyone who makes them uncomfortable.

The role of the post apocalyptic prostitute has expanded into many facets of society. They are not looked down on, but instead have risen to prominence in this bleak world. It’s not all about sex, and many see prostitutes as the life coaches of the apocalypse. Survivors go to prostitutes like old worlders once went to psychologists. Prostitutes give them comfort and solace in word of pain and fear.

It is important to stress that the favors traded by the prostitute are not usually sexual. Every prostitute has a placard listing their offered favors. Common favors include a friendly flirting, a session of pleasant compliments, a romantic meal together, a back massage, a conversation of innuendo, a simple dance, and perhaps the most expensive is a reading from a trashy novel left over from the old world.

The values and morals of the old world ended in fire and flame, and oppressive views on sexuality no longer exist. People are free to trade whatever they have for whatever they want. If a person’s appearance and personality pleases another, and that person is willing to barter goods for the mutual pleasure of both parties, then it’s no one’s business.

Prostitutes generally ply their trades in groups called brothels. At a survivor camp prostitutes will set-up a walled pavilion that will serve as their temporary brothel. Customers are invited to the brothel where they can meet all of the prostitutes.

Management of brothels is an eclectic mix of diverse management strategies. Some brothels are run by an agent, but others are democratically run by group decision. The fees for services are varied and sometimes a prostitute will announce open bidding for a service to be given to the highest bidder.

Prostitutes come to a gathering for the obvious reason of plying their trade. They will almost always set up a brothel tent or pavilion and provide a listing of services to their potential customers.


The purist believes that mutations and cybernetic enhancements are innately immoral and unnatural. They believe that manipulating cells with radiation or toxins and implanting machines in flesh disrupts the natural evolution of humanity and will ultimately bring an end to the species.

The reliance on mutation and cybernetic augmentation creates an artificial evolution that will prevent the balanced process of natural evolution. Humanity will find itself under-evolved and unable to survive in a world that teeters out of balance. Purists are terribly afraid of mutations. They despise disease, germs, and general uncleanliness. Purists wear clean sterile clothing, preferring old world hospital scrubs, and always have a supply of latex gloves and surgical masks, which they wear when dealing with the potentially infected.

Your average purist will help communities develop healthier living conditions. They will attend a gathering to convince others of their views. Their pavilions often have white plastic shower curtain walls that help keep out disease.

Moderate purists would like to sterilize mutants and prevent the further implantation of cybernetics. They do not advocate killing and generally seek change through peaceful means. It’s the radical purists who are the racists of the post apocalyptic world. They seek to destroy all mutated and cybernetically enhanced humans. They use terrorism and embrace disposal of “infected” persons through murder. Radical purists generally do not attend gatherings and often find themselves quickly declared outlaws and banished from community gatherings.


The racketeer runs the gambling dens and numbers houses of the post-apocalyptic world. The dens are a far cry from the glitzy glory of the old world casinos, but they are comfortable and more importantly the “new” casinos offer a survivor a chance to actually win something.

While anyone can be a gambler, racketeers are a breed apart. Part entertainer, part gala-host, part risk-taker, and fully tough, the racketeer wears many hats. The boss racketeer runs the whole casino, while his underlings run the games, provide entertainment, and prepare the food and drink.

In a world where walking down the street can see a person eaten alive by a horde of walking corpses, betting a bullet or two on the roll of a die could provide just what a person needs to survive. While the odds are in the favor of the house, enough people do win to make gambling a reasonable entertainment.

Common games of chance are poker, black jack, craps, and roulette. The racketeers readily teach the rules to the games, and the games are open to everyone. Since money is uncommon, games are played for chips. The way people get chips is by exchanging goods that they have found while scavenging.

In addition to the games of chance, racketeers will always take bets on current issues or conflicts. When two lifestyles enter into a conflict, odds will be set on the battle. When person in the camp wrongs another, odds will be set to see if justice is done. The chance of a DeGen, Mektron, or renanimant attack are common bets. Racketeers will also take bets on the number of people who will die in an upcoming storm, plague, or other natural catastrophe. Running bets are always announced loudly and kept current by use of a chalkboard or other device to announce odds.


Redeemers are searching the world for items of the past. They believe that by rebuilding technology human civilization can be returned to greatness. To this end, redeemers collect and refurbish old world technological items. Redeemers maintain workshops where they showcase and rebuild items from the pre-apocalyptic world.

Searching through the ashes of the old world is dangerous business. If you find something good, there are a lot of people who’ll want to take it, so redeemer teams are highly organized groups. Many redeemers are pure scientists and scholars, but others train in weapon use to protect their workshops and exploration teams.

Redeemers are usually at odds with the magi. Factions from the two lifestyles have been in open conflict since the end of the Black Freeze.

Redeemers see the war as being caused by the weaknesses of humanity, and do not hold technology at fault. They reject the belief that the world before the Industrial revolution was a better place, claiming that there were terrible wars and plagues in ancient history as well as modern. Technology is not the problem, and technology when used properly can make life so much better. They are dedicated to rebuilding the world and learning from their mistakes.

Redeemers often come to a survivor camp in search of technology and information. In exchange for what they find, they will usually reply in kind. Sharing what they know for what is known.


People who live in towns are called “townees” and being a devoted part of a larger community gives them a very different perspective on life. The townee sees everyone as having a role in the community.

Most townees specialize in a specific set of duties that serve their town. There are general laborers, doctors, politicians, farmers, soldiers, and all the other necessary positions for the community to thrive. Townees have jobs like people did in the old world, and most even get paid for their efforts.

Most townees see the outside world as uncivilized. Many townees are isolationist who look down on anyone not from their own town. Many townees look down on transients who pass through their town. Townees usually see themselves as rebuilding society and living like humans were meant to live.

Many townees harbor prejudices against domers because they see domers are having it much easier. Every townee takes pride in their town and their accomplishments. Many townees don’t like people from other towns either.


The trader lifestyle is reminiscent of the traveling salesmen of the old world. Traders have adopted business suits with ties and leather shoes to be their mark of station. The clothing sets them apart from all others. They are the business person and information brokers of the new world.

Most traders group together into trade caravans, which are markets on wheels. The larger caravans are self-supported societies, while the smaller groups may travel in one or two vehicles. All caravans have traders who specialize in defense, medical, mechanics, and other duties.

A trader gathering is a giant market place where almost anything can be bought and sold.


A zealot is motivated by a religious zeal. They live in communities where everyone worships together or travels in large congregations of pilgrims. The daily life of a zealot is governed by religious practices and observances. Many of the religions of Apocalypse Earth have evolved from practices of the old world. Zealots of one group tend to dress alike and always wear the symbol of their faith.

Zealots group together in congregations, where one or two of its members are the religious leaders and the others perform other occupations necessary for the survival of the congregation.

Zealots almost always come to a survivor camp to spread their faith. Zealots hosting a gathering will always set aside time for preaching and worship. Their revels events will almost always have some form of religious overture, and if they serve kool-aid, don’t drink it.

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