About Us

Code of Conduct

DOOMFELL is a way for players to develop dramatic, character driven performances that combine with game mechanics and improvisational acting skills to create an interactive theatric experience.

We are dedicated to creating a game environment that is balanced, fair, and dedicated to encouraging theatric performance in the participant.

Like all clubs we have a list of common-sense prohibitions. Generally, you’re not allowed to be mean to people. You can’t be racist, abusive, or exclusionary. Bullying will not be tolerated. Excessive profanity is prohibited. Lewdness, nudity, or the roleplaying of rape is not allowed. Please don’t play that rude or obnoxious character type. Roleplaying is not an excuse to be in-character mean, and acting like a jerk doesn’t take performance skill.


Every member has a responsibility to make the event successful. You are both the actor and the audience. If a scene is falling flat, you have an obligation to help make that scene better. The club provides a place to hold events and a background story produced by the cast. The players match the efforts of the cast, making every encounter interesting and fun.

No rumormongering or clique-building

All members must conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Club communities are fragile. Spreading rumors creates division, impedes cooperation, and lessens the enjoyment for everyone. Everyone is doing their best to create something wonderful, so don’t use your charisma to make yourself seem important while cutting down others and their efforts. 

Smoking, Intoxication, and Fires

Smoking is only permitted inside of a personal vehicle or in specially designated areas. Players under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted onto an event site. No real weapons allowed. The use of wick candles, oil lamps, or fluid-based stoves is prohibited. Campfires and propane-based cooking require permission from club administration.

Trespassing, Theft, and Vandalism

To ensure privacy and security, players are not allowed to enter another participant’s sleeping area or go into cast areas. Don’t take property that does not belong to you. Never pick up weapons or items found on scenes (excluded are in-game money, material cards, and labeled treasure items). Don’t deface or damage others property or the site. If you don’t like someone’s banner don’t mark it up. Instead post a note adjacent to the banner stating that it’s been “in-play” ruined.

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