DOOMFELL fiction is available to help players get a feel for the world. Titles are available on and other prestigious booksellers.

“DeGens at the Door”

After the collapse of civilization, subhuman mutants, called DeGens, invade a Fallout Shelter. Shannon and her little brother, Finley, must flee out into the post-apocalyptic world. Chased by mutants, their chances of survival are small. Run with the kids, as they flee through the post-apocalyptic landscape.

“Armageddon Bud”

Before the collapse of civilization, Major Dan Smyte arrives for his shift at the United States intercontinental ballistic missile silo believing the day’s biggest challenge was going to be the newly arrived spit-and-polish Second Lieutenant Maxwell Davidson. Enjoy a humorous romp through the pre-apocalypse world.

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